The High Cost of Feed and Food

The cost of beef is dropping while the cost of eggs, milk, and butter is sky-rocketing. Why? According to President Bush, the high cost of feeding animals is partly attributed to the high cost of using corn to manufacture ethanol. As a result, many ranchers are selling their beef early to save money on expensive animal feed. How long can we afford this? How much more will we pay to feed our families when beef is no longer abundant?


3 Responses

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  1. This is by far the biggest farce and boondoggle our country has ever been involved with since the sub prime debacle. Converting a primary staple of food that from the beginning of time was used to provide fuel in order to feed and sustain animals into a inefficient, costly, and environmental at best neutral fuel to power automobiles, is not only an economic and environmental failure but a moral travesty as well.

  2. Recent USDA reports show that world wheat/grain supplies will be at an all-time high with over a 700 million bushel surplus by 2010. What will this do to ag prices around the world?

  3. NG,

    Like the real estate market I think that ag prices around the world will collaspe!

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