SJV and Nevada Alfalfa Water Update

In the San Joaquin Valley there is to be a water shortage, and it appears that many farmers are receiving bad news when it comes to the water situation. According to a June 18, 2013 article in the Fresno Bee, farmers were recently told to “Expect a zero percent water allocation next February if winter doesn’t start out stormy.”

According to the article, Tom Birmingham Westlands General manager said “”When we look at these dry conditions and low storage in reservoirs later this year, it’s difficult to see how the initial allocation could be anything but zero, unless we have a very big December and January,”


ACX Exports Bring Jobs to Bay Area and Business to Ports: Hay Facility to Open in Stockton

Leading U.S. Exporter ACX Pacific Northwest Boosts Economy through Innovation, Supply Chain Leadership, and Animal Feed Exports

Stockton, CA, September 1, 2011: ACX Pacific Northwest, Inc., a leading exporter of U.S. hay and straw, is announcing the opening of a new hay export processing facility in Stockton, CA. The plant, located at the Port of Stockton, is expected to be operational beginning October 2011.

ACX will hire 40-60 people to work in the facility. The new operation is expected to spur growth in regional farming and trucking sectors as well. According to company CEO, John M. Gombos, expansion to the Bay Area is necessary to keep up with demand for ACX forage and roughage products around the world.


FDA to Open China Office

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will open an office in China.


Where Will China Get Milk?

As the world has sadly learned, innocent children in China have suffered as a result of tainted milk products. The cause of the illnesses and a few fatalities is apparently traced to the chemical melamine, known to falsely inflate protein levels of watered-down milk. Essentially, a small dairyman sells his milk to a milk collector who, in turn, sells the milk to a dairy producer for processing, packaging, and marketing to consumers. Somewhere in the supply chain, water and melamine were added to the raw milk to increase both volume and profits.
