Monthly Archives: September 2008

Where Will China Get Milk?

As the world has sadly learned, innocent children in China have suffered as a result of tainted milk products. The cause of the illnesses and a few fatalities is apparently traced to the chemical melamine, known to falsely inflate protein levels of watered-down milk. Essentially, a small dairyman sells his milk to a milk collector who, in turn, sells the milk to a dairy producer for processing, packaging, and marketing to consumers. Somewhere in the supply chain, water and melamine were added to the raw milk to increase both volume and profits.


Why Hay Importers Like ACX

Our customers from the Pacific Rim import alfalfa and other grass hays and straws primarily for use in their countries’ respective dairy industry. Types of forages imported from ACX include alfalfa hay, timothy hay, sudan grass, oat hay, perennial rye, annual rye, and fescue. We asked some of our customers to describe what they like about ACX and here’s what they said:
